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Become or Renew Your Partnership Status

Partnering with the National Women’s History Alliance (NWHA) is an essential way to support and promote the importance of women’s history. By becoming a partner, your organization joins a dynamic network dedicated to ensuring that the contributions of women are recognized, celebrated, and preserved for future generations.

Partners Should Expect
Here’s how we recognize our 2024 Partners:

  • Collaborate: Your organization will have the opportunity to help plan and co-sponsor our National Networking Conference.
  • Visibility: Your organization’s name, logo, mission statement, and a live link to your website will appear on our Partner’s page.
  • Recognition: If you are a partner by December 1st, your organization will be featured on our Partner Page in the next year’s Women’s History Magazine (if applicable).
  • Exclusive Copies: Receive 10 free copies of the 2024 Women’s History Magazine (if applicable).
  • Promotion: Share your events and services.

Sign Up as a Partner
Ready to join us? Fill out the form below to become a partner and help strengthen the network of organizations that support women’s history.

  • The fee for 1-year partnership is $100/year for organizations with an operating budget of less than $1 million.
  • The fee for 1-year partnership is $500/year for organizations with an operating budget of $1 million or more.
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Your partnership ensures that women’s history remains a vital part of our shared national story.

To view a list of our current Partners, click HERE.