Kansas – Performers and Authors
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PLEASE NOTE: NWHA publishes these listings from information provided by the performers and is not responsible in any way for the performers, a performer’s negotiations with clients, or the performances. If you would like to be added to our list of performers/authors, please contact: info@nationalwomenshistoryalliance.org for consideration.
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Irene Nielsen, PsyD, President, Artistic Director, Performer, and Instructor
425 West Saline, #6, Lindsborg, KS 67456
Phone: 785-493-5246
Email: irene@historical-echoes.com
Website: www.historical-echoes.com
History for the Future: First-person Historical Performances
Historical Echoes has provided edutainment for seven-years by regular performances and TEA and locations in “lower 48” states by contract.
We have researched and developed channeling of more than 24 women who challenged and changed history, i.e. scientists, medical nurses, doctors, & psychologists, politicians, educators, aviators, First Ladies and more. All women challenged a status quo and advocated for equality and respect for women. Thumbnail sketches and bios at www.historical-echoes.com.
Click here to learn more
We provide instruction and coaching for First-person historical performers at Institute.historical-echoes.com.
Become the advocate and share the authentic story for women and recognize their contributions. Classes twice a year with coaching assessments for self-awareness and stage-craft performance. Completion leads to Certification as Historical, First-person Performer TM.